City officials: No more stimulus money slated for Pittsburgh
An initial flood of stimulus funds to Pittsburgh seems to have dried up.
There have been no new projects in the city resulting from federal grants made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act since July.
“I check regularly for opportunities that the City of Pittsburgh can apply for stimulus funds,” said Sara Deroy, grant officer for Mayor Luke Ravenstahl’s administration. “Presently, we don’t have anything pending.”
The federal government lists a total of about $50 million for public and private companies in the form of grants and contracts on the Northside. About 64 jobs have been created and the funds have helped 37 Northside companies or organizations directly. Specific allocation of these funds can be found at, the federal government’s Recovery Act spending website.
Additional ARRA stimulus funds given to Pittsburgh as a whole total about $69 million. These funds were distributed between City of Pittsburgh departments, the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, the Urban Redevelopment Authority and the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh.
Some of that $69 million distributed through the city has been for projects on the Northside.
Stimulus funds will be used for the redevelopment of the Garden Theater Block on the Northside. Recently the URA selected Zukin Development Corporation and Collaborative Ventures for the project including approximately 23,000 sq. ft. of street level retail with 39 residential units. The total cost is estimated at $12 million.
At the end of September, HACP listed two projects using ARRA funds in the Northside.
Renovations of the Northview Heights Estates include a variety of modifications to dwelling units, common areas, service provider spaces and the site to meet the criteria of the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards. The project will affect 52 units, creating 45.54 jobs and totaling about $12 million.
The HACP will also replace the roof at Addison Hall, the Addison Terrace Recreation Center and at the Northview Heights High Rise. These renovations total about $630,000 and will create 5.66 jobs.
Matthew Cichowicz is a senior studying nonfiction at the University of Pittsburgh. He is interning with The Northside Chronicle during the fall semester.