Hearing for proposed charter school Dec. 6
Propel Charter Schools has applied for a charter to put a school on the Northside, and Pittsburgh Public Schools is holding a hearing for the application (among others) on Monday, Dec. 6 at 6:30 p.m. in conference room A of its office at 341 Bellefield Ave. in Oakland.
This will be the only public hearing. Any Pittsburgh residents can sign up to speak, but you must register beforehand by calling 412-622-3600, and your speaking time will be limited to 3 minutes. The deadline for registering to speak is noon on Dec. 6.
Other charter school applications will be discussed at the meeting in addition to the Propel application. For more information, contact Wanda Spencer by e-mail at wspencer1@pghboe.net or by phone at 412-622-3617.
Look for a story about this hearing in the Dec. 9 Weekly eEdition. If you don’t receive our Weekly eEdition in your inbox every Thursday, sign up at www.thenorthsidechronicle.com!