Cookie “happy hour” to benefit Community Human Services
To help support its efforts to give a gift to 500 people in need this holiday season, Community Human Services, which recently moved to the Northside, is holding a fund raising event at Cassis on Dec. 13 from 5 to 8 p.m.
For the price of a gift card or cash donations, attendees get unlimited cookies and coffee and the chance to interact with local celebrities. The seven celebrities — Brian O’Neill from the Post-Gazette, Jon Delano from KDKA, Chris Potter from the City Paper, former mayoral candidates and lawyers Dok Harris and Kevin Acklin and bloggers Secret Agent L and Ms. Mon — will tend the cash bar and serve coffee. All tips will go toward supporting CHS’s holiday mission.
The evening will also include a raffle basket with gift certificates to Legends of the North Shore and Stokes Grill, among other items. Raffle tickets will be issued based on the value of each attendee’s gift card or cash donation.
For more information, visit Cassis is located at 900 Western Ave. in Allegheny West.