Friends of the Riverfront celebrates 20th anniversary
Photo courtesy Friends of the Riverfront
Yesterday Friends of the Riverfront turned 20 years old. The nonprofit organization, founded on Valentine’s Day in 1991, works to improve Pittsburgh’s river fronts and make them a community amenity with trails and programs, including the Three Rivers Heritage Trail.
Pittsburgh Februaries might be a bit too cold to celebrate outdoor trails, but Friends of the Riverfront plans on celebrating its 20th anniversary throughout 2011. The peak of the celebration, according to a press release, will be the 2011 Trail Mix(er) on June 4 at the Steel City Rowing Club in Verona.
For a recent story on the Westhall Street access point to the Three Rivers Water Trail, click here. You can also read about Friends of the Riverfront’s bike program here (under the Biking heading). For more information on Friends of the Riverfront, visit its website.