International Sloth Day at the Aviary
The Pittsburgh National Aviary invites you to visit their two-toed sloth Wookiee this weekend.
November 19 is International Sloth Day, and admission to the Aviary includes various sloth-related activities. Along with informative discussions on sloths, children can listen to a reading of “Slowly, Slowly, Slowly said the Sloth” by Eric Carle and make themselves a sloth mask.
Staring at a lazy sloth isn’t on the agenda this Saturday, as trainers will use Wookiee’s favorite treat – sweet potatoes – to get him active for visitors.
While International Sloth Day may be an excuse to sleep 15 to 20 hours on Saturday, much like the creature the day is dedicated to, the sloth deserves its day for many reasons.
“Sloth have a special appeal because they are so unusual,” says National Aviary’s Director of Animal Programs Steve Sarro. Sloths spend most of their lives hanging from trees and are well known for being the world’s slowest animal.
While the Aviary is known for its collection of exotic birds, why not spend the day celebrating Wookiee, their only mammal resident?
-Karin Baker