Welcome to our new website!
We are so pleased to welcome you to the brand new Chronicle website!
You can still find the same timely, Northside news at the same URL (www.thenorthsidechronicle.com), but now in a more user-friendly and visually appealing format that can be viewed on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Here at the Chronicle, we believe that our paper should grow and evolve with the neighborhoods we serve, so while Allegheny Commons begins installing QR codes on trees, the Warhol Museum has an smartphone app and the North Shore gets pay-by-plate meters, we are also making strides with new technology.
On our new site, you have the option to view news in chronological publication date or view stories reorganized by neighborhood.
You can also page through PDFs of our past print editions in our Print section and look up Northside businesses in our new Listings.
You can also like our page on Facebook to get news updates as well!
Readers can join in the conversation by creating usernames to comment on our stories or sign up for our online edition that goes out each Thursday to their e-mail inbox and features the latest Northside news.
We would like to thank the Pittsburgh Partnership for Neighborhood Development for the generous grant that made this website possible and our designers at Direct-Axis who built the site. We’d also like to thank our many community partners including The Northside Community Development Fund and the Northside Leadership Conference.
But most of all we’d like to thank our readers for being engaged Northside residents striving to make their communities a better place and fostering a home for our community newspaper.