Northside Property Transfers: July 13-17
Brighton Heights
Robert Torrens estate et al. to Oscar Pott and Suzanne Heil at 3820 Wealth St. for $40,000.
Brookie Osborn to David and Amy Hopper at 3950 Winshire St. for $85,000.
George Guke Jr. et al. to Deutsch & Assoc. LLC at 1236 Dickson St. for $10,000.
Central Northside
Canty Knowles Gore & Co. Inc. to Harvey Klein at 1204 Arch St. for $60,000.
Matafrey LLC to Clinique Brundidge at 1500 Boyle St. for $239,900.
Amanda Marini to Neil Owen at 405 Jacksonia St. for $280,500.
Charles Street Valley
Sandra Lee Held to Patrick Connors at 709 Maginn St. for $11,450.
Kimberly Ballow to Patrick Connors at 805 Maginn St. for $8,943.
Historic Deutschtown
Alfred DePasquale to Myronova LLC at 507-509 Foreland St. for $200,000.
Observatory Hill
Rohma Kropf to Jeremy Seger at 40 Bascom Ave. for $83,000.
Troy Hill
David Serbin to Jason Whalen and Gina Pearlman at 1807 Eberhardt St. for $140,000.
Real Estate Transactions provided by . Contact at 412-381-3880 or visit