World War II ship docks in North Shore, hosts tours
Photo by Justin Criado
The USS LST 325 docked just outside Heinz Field in North Shore.
By Justin Criado
North Shore has been invaded as a World War II ship docked in the Allegheny River earlier this week during a tour to help raise funds for its upkeep.
The Landing Ship, Tank, or USS LST 325 as its called, carried Sherman tanks in to Sicily and Salerno in Italy, then Normandy on D-Day, and on to Omaha Beach. Even though the LST 325 was built in Philadelphia, ships like it where built in southwestern Pennsylvania and nearby Beaver County during the war.
The LST 325 is the last fully operational WWII ship of its kind, and typically travels to two cities per year from its home port in Evansville, Ind. This year’s other stop was Cincinnati. It was last in Pittsburgh during its 2010 tour.
The ship will dock on the North Shore near Heinz Field and will be open to the public from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. until Sept. 8.
Tours are $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 6-17 and $20 for families of four. Children under 6 are free.