Aviary event showcases artwork inspired by nature
Drawing of a bluejay by artist Sherri Thompson who was featured at “Wings and Wildlife.”
By Ed Skirtich
Woodwork, paintings, watercolor, and photographs of birds fascinated visitors during the Wings and Wildlife at the Aviary on Sunday, November 6. Artist explained to patrons at their booths at Wings and Wildlife how they became inspired by walking trails and the sights around the Pittsburgh area.
“The arts make Pittsburgh a special place to be,” said David DiCello, featured artist at Wings and Wildlife.
Views from DiCello’s photographs are of downtown Pittsburgh sights on sunny afternoons or twilight and nighttime atmospheres were shot from his tripod or riding in a helicopter. DiCello’s photographs of Mount Washington’s incline, Heinz Field, and the Point State Park fountain displayed Pittsburgh’s beauty well.
Northside resident Sherri Thompson painted watercolors of birds. Her booth had a different colored bird for the fall, winter, spring, and summer.
“Their local Pittsburgh birds you find in your backyard,” Thompson said.
At another booth studio artist/science illustrator and colored pencil drawing artist Lindsey Wright made old artwork into new art work. Wrights innovations came from everything that surrounded her.
“Anything that’s interesting to draw,” said Wright.
Looking at the Aviary’s environment and the life cycle of frogs were found in Wright’s art booth.
Wright added that her creative ideas came from observing nature while walking along trails.
With excitement, James Urbanic from Ellwood City, PA said it was interesting to have a booth with the only wood carving of birds. In addition, Urbanic’s wood carvings appeared life sized.
“I made it as lifelike as I could,” Urbanic said.
Urbanic stated he made his art work from Tupelo wood from the south because it’s easy yet strong.
In one of Urbanic’s exhibits, a big black raven had glass eyes and metal legs to keep the bird upright.
Urbanic commented on seeing birds in their environment helped his artwork.
“It’s interesting to see birds live,” Urbanic said.
Elizabeth Klevens, from Cheswick, PA had mosaic artwork.
Klevens said by looking at different images she asked herself, “What would be suitable for mosaic art work?”
Recycled and re-purposed material turned into a diversity of cut glass which consisted of people in kayaks going past dolphins and penguins swimming and standing on ice appeared at Klevens booth.