City seeking public input on improvements to Burgh’s Eye View
The Department of Innovation & Performance’s (I&P) Analytics & Strategy team is taking its Burgh’s Eye View application, an interactive map that displays city data, on tour in the coming months. The team has already visited with seven neighborhood groups – to present, answer questions, and gather feedback – and has plans to visit an additional 10 community meetings in the coming weeks.
While Burgh’s Eye View currently contains a wide range of city data, including public safety information and 311 service requests, the team is particularly interested in what additional information residents want to easily access.
Residents are encouraged to engage with the Burgh’s Eye View team during the upcoming community meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8 at Most Holy Name School Hall, 1520 Claim St. The meeting is held during Troy Hill Citizens Council. Entrance to the building is on Tinsbury Street.
For questions, feedback on Burgh’s Eye View, or to have the team present and gather feedback at your neighborhood meeting, please contact I&P at
Burgh’s Eye View can be accessed any time at