Northside Property Transfers October 2 – 5, 2017
Allegheny City Central
CAMA Plan FBO Karen Perry’s IRA to Thembo Trasada at 530 Armandale St. for $285,000.
Brighton Heights
Estate of Mary Henderson to Jessica Barrington and Carol White Millhoan at 3347 Brighton Road for $110,000.
Adam Krebs to Lavonne Pitts Harding at 4001 Brighton Road for $170,000.
Jared Glover to Stephanie Haney at 3673 Harbison Ave. for $105,500.
Justin Pecora to Kayla Lloyd at 3706 Hiawatha St. for $103,100.
Michelle Grover to Daniel Owen and Megan Polesky at 1515 Myler St. for $99,972.
Joseph Mazzant to DLC Pittsburgh LLC at 601 Suffolk St. for $40,000.
Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority to Nancy Ream at Hamlin St. for $1,800.
North Shore
Pittsburgh City Stadium Authority to North Shore 15 LLC at North Shore Drive for $2,200,000.
Observatory Hill
Barbara Layton to Thomas and Theresa Parker at 218 Bonvue St. for $34,680.
Nathaniel King to Wanisha Green at 3748 East St. for $116,000.
Lynn Warren to Sean Sollinger at 45 Hemphill St. for $115,000.
Perry Hilltop
Andrew Burlando to William Duff and Sarayu Gopal at 1818 University Ave. for $29,000.
Spring Garden
East Deutschtown Investments LLC to BBC Pittsburgh LLC at 836 Concord St. for $140,000.
Matthew Evans to Andrew Masciantonio at 919 Spring Garden Ave. for $110,000.
Summer Hill
Bonita King to Joshua Ague at 3503 Colby St. for $97,900.
Troy Hill
Mary Virginia to Federal National Mortgage Assn. at 1120 Brabec St. for $3,668 by sheriff’s deed.