Northside Property Transfers November 26 – 30, 2017
Allegheny West
Jason Whitson to Carrie Sue Whisel at 1006 Abdell St. for $222,500.
Brighton Heights
Marlease Porter to Matthew Krummert and Sarah Untch at 3933 Brighton Road for $113,000.
John Lehman to A & J Holdings LLC at 3925 Kleber St. for $70,000.
Carole Robbins to Stephanie Boccella and Evan Klesius at 3549 McClure Ave. for $237,000.
Source59 (USA) LLC to Edward Dale and Cathy Suzanne Wingfield at 1434 Reuben St. for $62,000.
Abbas Mehdiun to Stefan Stasak at 3446 Sipe St. for $19,500.
Sarah Marie Marshall to Meghan Burke and Dan Tomcik at 1703 Warren St. for $38,000.
Observatory Hill
Observatory Hill Development Corp. to Jonathan and Chelsy Gevas at 23 Bonvue St. for $200,000.
Perry Hilltop
Loughrey Roberts to David and Pamela Monk at 1860 Clayton Ave. for $615,000.
Spring Hill
Andrew Sulka to Julia Skorija at 1320 Diana St. for $5,000.
Arthur Beatty to Heisel Long LLC at 2112 Harbor St. for $15,000.