Northside Property Transfers November 5 to 9, 2018
Allegheny City Central
City Reach Church Pittsburgh Inc. to Brian and Katharine Moser at 1119 Success St. for $34,000.
Charles Street Valley
Charles Edward King IV to William Mietro and Stephanie Grohowalski at 2534 Irwin Ave. for $155,000.*
H1 Management LLC to Michael Nikolich at 1517 Compromise St. for $42,000.
Genevieve Williams Hearn to Robert Joseph McAfee at 1616 Sedgwick St. for $124,000.
City Reach Church Pittsburgh Inc. to Brian and Katharine Moser at 1529 Eckert St. for $12,000.
Northview Heights
Robert Guckert to John Stuart and Christine Anne Rooke at Hazlett St. for $10,000.
Perry Hilltop
Observatory Hill
David Richardson to Renee Rubinstein at 12 Perryview Ave. for $160,000.
Spring Garden
Thomas Tibbetts et al. to NCRC Housing Rehab Fund LLC at 1124 Voskamp St. for $70,000.
Spring Hill
Andrew Sulka to Saddle Properties LLC at 1606 Walz St. for $37,000.
Troy Hill
Robert Kleinhampl Jr. to Favorite Properties Inc. at 2108 Lautner St. for $18,500.
*This post was updated on 11/8/2018 to reflect the correct corresponding neighborhood.