Monthly message of inspiration: September 2020
This month, Rev. William Zachery Jr., D. Min of Tabernacle Cosmopolitan Baptist Church in the Northside reminds readers of the original official motto of the U.S.: E pluribus unum, meaning “From many, one.”
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Embedded in the Preamble of the United States of America’s Constitution is, “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union.” This statement is a confirmation of the oneness of all Americans.
We are engaged in a rancorous political atmosphere. Our national general election draws near. For some, this is a call to division and hostility. We must remember that we are all of the same American creed and motto of unity.
Some say this election cycle is severely divisive. Some have declared that we are the most divided in our great country’s history. We must understand the nature of our politics. We have a two-party system. Republicans’ philosophical understanding of the Constitution is an originalist interpretation of the Constitution. They try to view the Constitution from the original understanding of the founding fathers. In other words, they base their opinions on what the founding fathers believed at the time of the creation and signing of this great document. Democrats see the Constitution as a dynamic document that expands to meet the needs of the current era. These two driving political viewpoints can seem to create an environment of distrust and partisan disagreement. How should a democracy be governed?
Yet, even in the midst of partisanship we can find compromise. This kind of reasoning is due to the best interest of the citizenry. Diverse opinion has been one of the strengths of our Union. People of diverse cultures and social, political, and religious persuasions have added a strength to our country. Out of the many voices, we can overcome partisanship. We can overcome the deadly perception of ‘my way only.’
We are one people. We are one America. We are the United States of America. This idea of one nation will call for a mature understanding. We must all vote our conscience. We want whomever is in the governing positions to succeed to make this a more perfect Union. We all must share the burden and the work.
Yes, it is work to build a better America. I am not worried nor dismayed. We can overcome partisanship. We can overcome the ugly diseases of racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, and all other matters that tend to divide. We declare today that we will be, “one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”
Rev. William Zachery, Jr., D. Min. is the pastor of Tabernacle Cosmopolitan Baptist Church in the Northside.
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