Northside Property Transfers July 13 to July 20, 2022
Brighton Heights
Caldwell Holdings LLC to Benjamin and Anne Perri Cole at 2031 Termon Ave. for $175,000.
Central Allegheny / Mexican War Streets
Matthew Conboy to Ian Doubleday and Emily Morgan at 422 N Taylor Ave. for $410,000.
William Murchison to Rushi Homes LLC at 517 Armandale St. for $230,000.
Atlas Estates LLC to Mary Verratti at 1807 Meadville St. for $265,000.
Christopher Evich to Algil LLC at 2810 California Ave. for $75,000.
Nina Kelly to Lois Harder at 1144 Ridgeland Drive for $192,000.
Observatory Hill
Richard Keith Zechowski Jr. to Pilar Gonzalez at 401 Venture St. for $142,000.
Summer Hill
James Neely to Alexander Sharpe at Center St. for $5,000.
James Neely to Alexander Sharpe at Latimer Ave. for $5,000.
Harry Bottles to Frank Akers IV at 119 Montville St. for $80,000.
Christopher Richard Booz to Justin Balla and Gina Cortazzo at 3528 Sirius St. for $235,000.
Troy Hill
Brabek Properties LLC to Michael Thomas Tremel at 1137 Brabec St. for $281,000.
Alfred Kasprowicz to Justin M B Pasquale and Morgan Kasprowicz at 1810 Lowrie St. for $147,000.
Carl Hoffield to AJF Mechanical LLC at 1500 Lowrie St. for $245,000.