Public luncheon to honor lives of Germanic culture club members
By Ed Graf
The Alliance of Germanic Societies of Pittsburgh is part of the rich tapestry of our city’s ethnic groups from the waves of immigration in the 1800’s. The Alliance serves the organizations from
Contributed photo by Ed Graf
the German speaking Countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), and these groups preserve many of the customs from the “old country” . The Alliance is a 501c3 organization and serves two clubhouses, two dance groups five singing societies, three of the Pitt nationality rooms, two cultural societies, two Historic areas and one soccer club. Historic German ethnic culture is alive and well in Pittsburgh! Each year the Alliance honors two individuals — one deceased or historic and one living. Each have represented or served our community well. It is holding the Recognition luncheon at the Historic Teutonia Männerchor at Noon on September 16 , 2023. They are serving a German Buffet and tickets cost $25 and are available at the Bar in the Ratskeller of Teutonia at 857 Phineas St. in Deutschtown. Our two honorees had very different starts in life but each have spent their adult lives helping grow and enjoying the historic Germanic culture . The first, Kay Schachner (1935-2020) – As a young girl, with her mother and brother (her father had been taken during the “German ethnic cleansing”) , Kay made a harrowing escape from her small town in Yugoslavia after WWII – just ahead of the Soviet Army and the coming Iron Curtain. They made it to Austria and emigrated to America. As an adult she met her German husband at Teutonia. She was dedicated to her family, her church and Teutonia- singing and serving the club.
Ed Helgerman joined Bloomfield Liedertafel singers in 1981 and took up the Music Directors baton in 1983. He received his B.A. in music from the University of Pittsburgh in 1981. He has served the Liedertafel on its board and has directed the Teutonia choruses for over 31 years. He has served in many capacities of District choruses, as well as the National German singing organization. He now serves as National President of the Nord Amerikanischer Sängerbund. The public is welcome to purchase tickets ($25) for the luncheon (advance purchase at the Teutonia bar recommended)– there may be “day- of “ tickets “ available. At Teutonia you can see the project that the Alliance recently helped in constructing – the fifty foot high Maibaum in the Biergarten! Teutonia also has a public OCTOBERFEST over Labor day weekend.
Contributed photo by Anna Yoder