Highlights from Arbor Day at Riverview Park
An aerial view taken from a drone of the activity area at Arbor Day at Riverview Park.
A guided hike was taken from the event site to one of the ‘Pictures of the Future’ art installations near the bottom of Riverview Park. The installation featured a fallen tree carved into a Romanesque column.
Councilman Wilson presents a certificate to The Friends of Riverview Park officially recognizing Riverview Park as an arboretum, a place where trees and other vegetation are grown and studied for scientific purposes.
The Friends of Riverview Park gave away free snacks, including Smiley Cookies in the shape of trees.
City of Pittsburgh Forestry Division set up a climbing rope to hoist young attendees into the canopy as one of the numerous educational booths that were on hand to teach children about different aspects of nature within city parks.