Team Pittsburgh Dek Hockey ready for summer season
By Yuri Good | Staff Writer
Team Pittsburgh Dek Hockey has kicked off its summer season, with games scheduled through the end of August for another round of outdoor hockey fun.
Located in Brighton Heights, Team Pittsburgh travels with their team to regional and national tournaments. In addition to its summer season, it also has seasons in the spring and fall.
The organization is made up of all volunteers to help young succeed in the sport. Team Pittsburgh has a total of 30 teams each season. Kids ages 4 to 15 are able to participate, giving them an early start with dek hockey.
“We do what we do because so many young people benefit from our efforts.” said Coach Briggs about their only volunteer-only team. The team has a fully stocked pro shop with all the equipment hockey players need to play, as well as a concession stand. The required equipment needed for this team’s season are the following: helmet, gloves, shin guards, stick, and elbow pads.
This year’s season began June 24 and will end around Labor Day.
The first division, for the ages 4-6, are called the Chipmunks. Coach Ryan and Gary are full support coaches on deck cheering on their players.
The Chipmunk’s first three games are split into practices and scrimmages before having their first official seven games in the standard format. This helps the team develop more practice time and get better at their skills, according to team officials. Most practices are scheduled at Marmaduke Park or Bellevue Memorial Park rinks.
The four other separate divisions are known as the Penguins, the Beavers, the Cadets and Freshman. The Penguins include kids from the ages of 7 to 9 with the two following coaches Zach Abbott, and Eric Lemon. The Beavers, ranging from ages 10 to 12. The Cadets ranging from ages 13 to 15. Freshman encompasses kids ages 16 to 19.
There are multiple teams in each division of Team Pittsburgh Dek Hockey.
The program also provides a $1,500 dollar scholarship for their inhouse players through their academic program.
For anyone interested in watching a Team Pittsburgh Dek Hockey game, the full schedule can be found at Home games are all played at Marmaduke Park in Brighton Heights.