Real Estate Transfers Feb. 16 to Feb. 22
Allegheny City Central
Cynthia Chalupa to Sarah Fakhreddine at 1612 Buena Vista St. for $480,000.
Brighton Heights
Samantha Falls to David McLaughlin at 1626 Hybla St. for $195,000.
Haji Muya to Jeffrey Cooper at 1107 Island Ave. for $263,800.
Northside Properties R & S LLC to Northside Properties Residences 1 LLC at Brighton Pl for $3,800.
Northside Properties R & S LLC to Northside Properties Residences 1 LLC at Brighton Road for $3,900.
East Deutschtown
Community Alliance Spring Garden East to TLC 2 Properties LLC at 835 Vista St. for $20,000.
Historic Deutschtown
Lockwood Mgmt LLC to Debra Light trustee at 505-507 Avery St. for $542,500.
Randy Smith to Jennifer Blodgett at 1404 James St. for $451,000.
Karly Shorts to Christopher Oney at 1210 Ingham St. for $80,085.
Sandra Bishop to Omar Muya at 2354 McCook St. for $44,100.
Angelas Afterschool of the Arts Inc. to 73 Acres Properties & Develops LLC at 2715 Stayton St. for $70,000.
Perry Hilltop
Pittsburgh City to Northside Properties R&S LLC at Chautauqua St. for $4,000.
Wiley Properties LLC to Figure Fittin Fashions at 307 Marshall Ave. for $300,000.
Troy Hill
Rebirth Property Investments LLC to Eco Friendly Realtor LLC at 1150 Goettman St. for $85,000.
Real Estate Transactions provided by <RealSTATs>. Contact <RealSTATs> at 412-381-3880 or visit