District 1 News: HAP applications accepted until March 14
By Councilman Bobby Wilson
Hello everyone, I want to remind you all that applications are being accepted for the Homeowner Assistance Program (HAP) until March 14 at 4 P.M. This year, the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) partnered with ACTION-Housing to provide financial assistance of up to $35,000 to homeowners for rehabilitating and improving their homes within the City of Pittsburgh. The program provides grants that may be used for the following: to bring homes into compliance with City of Pittsburgh codes, to undertake energy efficiency improvements, or to undertake eligible general property improvements.
To apply, applicants must reside within the City of Pittsburgh, must own and reside at the property that is to be improved, must not have any outstanding County, City, and School District real estate taxes, or be up to date on a payment plan, must have a current homeowners insurance policy for the property, and must earn less than 80% of the Area Median Income. Please note that an application to the program does not guarantee a grant award.
Applications must be submitted via this website, actionhousing.org/our-services/home-allegheny-repair-programs/, and no paper applications will be accepted. If you need assistance, you can call the ACTION Housing hotline at (412) 248-0021 or email homeallegheny@actionhousing.org. Complete details on the program can be found here: ura.org/pages/ homeowner-assistance-program.
At the end of January, the city launched the Pittsburgh 2050 Comprehensive Plan, which will guide future development for the city, provide the overall foundation for all land use regulation, and inform future decisions of City Council and other municipal leaders. The robust engagement process includes a survey that aims to collect feedback from residents of all 90 Pittsburgh neighborhoods. I encourage you to take the survey and share your ideas for the future of Pittsburgh here, pgh2050.com/shareyourvoice#survey.
Last month, the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services introduced a new 311 Customer Relationship Management system. The enhanced system provides a more user-friendly experience, empowering Pittsburgh residents and visitors to easily report issues via an updated website and a newly launched mobile application. The mobile application, PGH311, replaces the former MyBurgh application, allowing residents to submit requests and receive responses, including messages and photos, directly from City staff. The new site can be found here: pittsburghpa.my.site.com/311/s/ and as always, you can dial 311 from your phone to submit an incident.
Finally, after Mayor Gainey nominated Acting Chief of Police Christopher Ragland as permanent Chief of Police, my colleagues on Council and I requested that a public hearing be held before Council makes a final vote. We are currently in the process of scheduling that hearing and once the date is confirmed, I will provide an update on my Facebook and X accounts. I look forward to hearing from the public and to discuss my public safety priorities for the Northside and District 1 with the Acting Chief.
If you have any questions or concerns, call us at (412) 255-2135, email us at district1@pittsburghpa.gov, or find us on Facebook and X. My staff and I look forward to serving all of you!