We at The Northside Chronicle feel very lucky to be celebrating our 35th anniversary in 2020. If you, dear reader, think of a community newspaper as a legacy business that supports Northside’s unique neighborhood infrastructure, as well as, provides a free and accessible source of information relevant to the history and future of the Northside then we would like to invite you to become a Townhall Subscriber.
Become a Townhall Subscriber for $60 & receive:
- 12 monthly newspapers delivered to your mailbox.
- Print acknowledgement with your name (first name, last initial), neighborhood/city and the opportunity to submit a personalized message of your own (35 word maximum).
Acceptable messages include a greeting, wish, dedication to family, friends, or cause/organization. Announcements for births, deaths, marriages, celebrations, and the like are also welcome to publish. We reserve the right to refrain from printing any wording that incites political, profane, or perverse commentary.
Example of an approved personal message:
“Georgia P., Atlanta, GA -I grew up in Spring Garden on Farby Way. I still love reading about what happens in the Northside today. Happy New Year!“
Become a Townhall Subscriber today! Checks for $60 can be addressed to “The Northside Chronicle” at 922 Middle St. Pittsburgh PA 15212 and should include your information such as, your full name and delivery address plus your 35 word personal message for publication.
Would you like to use a credit card? Order your Townhall Subscription online below to submit your order and advertising@thenorthsidechronicle.com will follow up within 1-3 business days in an email to request your 20 word personal message.
Online fees apply to the total charge of the subscription. Subscribers do not need to open an account with PayPal to check out as a guest with a credit or debit card.